Biology Hacked: Homeostasis Summarised

Biology Hacked: Homeostasis

·    Homeostasis:  The process of maintaining a constant internal environment
·    Controls
o   Temperature
o   Water content
o   Energy
o   Oxygen
o   Concentration of wastes in blood
·        Involves receptors that are sensitive to a stimulus, and effectors that have an effect on the same stimulus.

Controlling Body Temperature
·        Metabolism-all the chemical reactions occurring in the cells
·        Endothermic-maintain a constant body temperature
·        Above 37 degrees=metabolism stops
·        Below 37 degrees=metabolism slows down

Control of temperature (NS and endocrine system)
Temperature is controlled by both the endocrine and NS system

·        Endocrine system control
·        Hypothalamus (receives information from temperature receptors and itself) Acts on pituitary.
·        pituitary which secretes more thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH)(TSH-increases temperature)
·        Thyroid releases thyroxine.
·        Thyroxine causes rate of metabolism to increase=body is heated and warmed
·        Slow response

·        NS control
·        Hypothalamus detects fall in temperature
o   Shivering(increases activity of muscle cells)
o   Reduces blood flow to skin(constriction of blood vessels)
·        Hypothalamus detects increase in temperature
o   Sweat glands-sweat evaporates (depends on temperature and humidity)
o   Blood vessels-expand (blush)

Water Balance Control
·        Kidneys play an important roll
o   Microscopic filters remove wastes (e.g. urea), salts and water from the blood.
o   Kidney returns the blood the salts, glucose and water needed by the body
o   Wastes pass into bladder
·        Food, drink and cellular respiration = gain fluids
·        Breathing out, sweat, faeces and urine=loose fluids
·        Antidiuretic hormone-controls the amount of water in urine
o   Causes kidneys to reabsorb from the renal tubules.
o   Secreted by the pituitary gland under control of the hypothalamus.
§  Hypothalamus monitors concentration of water in blood.
§  Dehydration=increases ADH production
