Biology Hacked: The Brain Summarized

Biology Summary:The Brain

In years 7,8,9 or 10? Here is a high-school level summary on the composition and function of the main features in the brain. Includes functions of the cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem/medulla, midbrain and corpus callosum summarised. Cerebrum (80% of the brain)
·        Folded to increase surface area by approximately 3 times
·        Higher intellectual functions
·        Controls
o   Conscious thoughts
o   Voluntary movement
o   Sensory messages
·        Right (creativity and emotion) and left(language and maths) hemispheres

The Cerebellum
·        Fine tunes and coordinates movement and balance
· relay messages from cerebrum to cerebellum to spinal chord

The Brain Stem/medulla
·        Regulates vital functions (breathing, blood pressure and heart rate)

·        Allows the two sides of the brain to communicate.

Corpus Callosum
·        Joins two hemispheres of the brain.
